Have you ever wondered what happened in over 30 years to one of the most popular dudes on this planet? Jesus Christ, from age 1 to age 30, has a total of one passage giving account to his childhood. How in the hell can Jesus Christ only have one passage about his childhood? The worst part about the passage, it's not during the time of teenage puberty, hormones, rage, and depression.
Unfortunately, Christ's story is very short in the New Testament: he was born in a manger, was a genius at 12 years old, performed many miracles as an adult, died in a painful way, rose from the dead, and then he was gone. Personally, I've often wondered where any storytellers were for that long period of nothingness. It's not like it would be hard to find a kid who can heal the sick or is claiming to be the Son of God. Luckily, his childhood pal, Leviticus (a.k.a. Biff), has been resurrected to tell Christ's story again and that's what the book is blessing us with today.
Released in 2003, this amazing piece of literature has been bringing people to tears in both positive and negative ways. Christopher Moore will blow your mind away with some of the stuff he discovered about the missing years of Jesus Christ. Whether it's about a prostitution experimint, what the "H" stands for, or how Christ knows Kung Fu, it's sure to leave you questioning what truly happened over 2000 years ago.
If you absolutely love Jesus and were offended by the idea of "Hamlet 2," then stay away from this book and continue reading the New Testament; however, if you love history, adventure, and humor, you have to read this book. Life and religion pulls us all down in many ways, so pick up a copy of Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore and I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face.
Unfortunately, Christ's story is very short in the New Testament: he was born in a manger, was a genius at 12 years old, performed many miracles as an adult, died in a painful way, rose from the dead, and then he was gone. Personally, I've often wondered where any storytellers were for that long period of nothingness. It's not like it would be hard to find a kid who can heal the sick or is claiming to be the Son of God. Luckily, his childhood pal, Leviticus (a.k.a. Biff), has been resurrected to tell Christ's story again and that's what the book is blessing us with today.
Released in 2003, this amazing piece of literature has been bringing people to tears in both positive and negative ways. Christopher Moore will blow your mind away with some of the stuff he discovered about the missing years of Jesus Christ. Whether it's about a prostitution experimint, what the "H" stands for, or how Christ knows Kung Fu, it's sure to leave you questioning what truly happened over 2000 years ago.
If you absolutely love Jesus and were offended by the idea of "Hamlet 2," then stay away from this book and continue reading the New Testament; however, if you love history, adventure, and humor, you have to read this book. Life and religion pulls us all down in many ways, so pick up a copy of Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore and I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face.